Ultra Allure is a totally new type of Pheromones.
Over the years pheromones have grown in popularity enormously. Nowadays hundreds of men use pheromones for attracting and meeting new women. You can find lots of different pheromone blends on the Internet, which are all very similar in elements and qualities.
When we started creating our preromone product, our main goal was to create something revolutionary, something that other brands didn’t have. And we decided that pheromone users needed a new and exciting alternative to regular pheromones, something that really turns on the heat unlike all the other products available.
The development results turned out into the production of Ultra Allure Pheromones: The highest grade pheromone available in the market, plus an added essence inspired by Tommy Hilfiger's Tommy Boy cologne. This way, users are treated not only to the tremendous benefits of using the highest grade pheromone available, but also a terrific scent that is sure to attract even more females!
McCalls's magazine:
"Pheromones can improve one's sex life, pheromones send out subconscious signals to the opposite sex that naturally trigger romantic feelings."
The Los Angeles Times:
"Scientific studies have actually shown that subjects who used synthesized pheromones had sex more often."
"The power of smell is undeniable humans are Influenced by airborne chemicals undetectable as odors, called pheromones. Researchers at the University of Chicago say they have the first proof that humans produce and react to pheromones."
The Success of Pheromones have been seen on ABC, , Hardcopy, CNN, 20/20, Medical Journals, Newspapers end dozens of Magazines!
Frequently Asked Questions About Pheromones
What are pheromones?
Pheromones are natural chemicals that send out subconscious scent signals to the opposite sex that trigger very powerful sexual responses. Your body naturally emits pheromones every day. Experiments show that like most animals, human beings produce these chemicals naturally every day. People who produce higher than average amounts of pheromones often have greater success with members of the opposite sex. Likewise, people who don't produce a high level of pheromones tend to attract fewer potential mates. Hence the advantage to users of synthetic pheromones, such as Ultra Allure.
How pheromones can be detected?
Pheromone signals are detected through the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO). When the VNO detects the pheromone, it sends a sexual response signal to the brain. You do not have to smell a pheromone to be affected by it – it has been shown that even very tiny quantities which are too diluted to have any odor still have an effect on the brain.
Don't I naturally emit Pheromones anyways? Why should I emit more?
That is true, your body does in fact emit pheromones naturally, but the amounts are quite small. Additionally, we cut down the amount of released of our body's natural pheromone output by:
- Taking a shower
- Applying deodorant
- Applying different creams (such as aftershave)
- Dressing (Your clothes covers your body and blocks releasing of pheromone)!
Because of all these steps we take everyday to make ourselves socially acceptable, we actually suppress our natural pheromone output. So, if you add addition (external) pheromone you will increase your chances tenfold of attracting a mate. This is what makes Ultra Allure Pheromones so especially useful and valuable.
Will pheromones increase my attractiveness?
Researches show that this is possible. If used properly, pheromones can help others to see you as attractive, high-status, youthful, or easy to talk to. Pheromones can facilitate conversations, interest and positive feelings. All of these can increase attractiveness overall.
How do I use it?
You can use our pheromones just like any cologne or perfume. You can apply it to your neck, forearms or even your clothing. They are for external use only.
How long do pheromones last?
Our pheromones last approximately 8-12 hours. Ultra Allure Pheromones bottle is conveniently sized, so it may easily be carried with you for later re-application.
Do pheromones really work?
Pheromones are now widely regarded and used by lots of men, as being effective and entirely beneficial. They have been featured repeatedly in mainstream media, including CNN, ABCNews, 20/20, and many others.
How long will it take to get my order?
You should receive your order in 2-5 business days time. For International customers delivery should take up to 7-10 business days. We dispatch all orders the same day payment is received.
What makes Ultra Allure Pheromones better than the other brands I've seen?
Ultra Allure Pheromones is the newest and most original pheromone on the market today. We've combined the most effective pheromone formula with an essence inspired by TommyBoy Cologne. No other websites offer a pheromone product like this one - it's as if you are receiving 2 products for the price of 1!
It’s great idea! But will the cologne ingredient in any way impede the effectiveness of the pheromone?
No. The cologne and the pheromone work on two entirely different levels. The pheromone is odorless and the essence is an amazing scent. So when applying Ultra Allure you are applying not only a powerful woman-attracting pheromone blend, but extremely enticing man cologne as well!
Do you ship worldwide?
Yes, we have satisfied customers from all parts of the world, including Germany, Australia, Japan, Canada, United Kingdom and over 50 other countries!
Is the package shipped discreetly?
Yes, all orders are shipped in discreet packaging. There is absolutely no mentioning on the outside of the package as to what is contained inside. Furthermore, your name or any other personal information will never be given or sold to any other company. Your privacy is a very high priority for us.
Is it safe to order online?
All information about your order is encrypted, and cannot be viewed by anyone else. Ordering online is actually much safer than using your credit card in a restaurant or at the mall. Additionally, your credit card information will be deleted after the transaction is complete. That way there is no risk of your information being hacked, or you ever being re-billed without permission.
What name will show up on my credit card statement?
Cybermed Industries Inc.
Is there a money back guarantee?
Yes, we offer a 90-day money back guarantee if you are not totally satisfied.
Ultra Allure Pheromones Testimonials
I was totally skeptical about buying something like this, but I took a chance and did. Boy am I glad I did! I have 5 times as many women approaching me than from before I used Ultra Allure Pheromones.
Jim from New York
I've never been the best looking guy, so I've always relied on other things to help me with girls, personality, clothes, etc. Now I've added Ultra Allure Pheromones to my arsenal, and I'm scoring more than I ever did before!
Hanz M. from Vienna, Austria
This pheromone product is awesome. No other pheromone even compares (and I've tried many of them). I rank Ultra Allure Pheromones way ahead of any other pheromone formula available.
Ben C. from Ohio