Pheromone Psychology

Single and married people alike have discovered the benefits of wearing pheromones. Wearing pheromones is like giving Mother Nature a boost in helping send off signals to attract romantic interest. Unfortunately many formulated pheromone products on the market lack potency. Theoretically they should be achieving more attention, romance and intimacy from the opposite sex. However many of those products are missing the "it" factor. Many are of inferior quality and may lack potency because they lack psychological punch. However one manufacturer has had the foresight to take advantage of psychological factors to attract the opposite sex.

You don't have to be a psychologist to understand that to attract love you need passion. In many situations passion can be heightened by jealousy. Romantic jealousy can create a strong need for another person. It can also dismantle an individual's ability to make logical decisions and instead work on instinct. Regardless if it is a man or a woman, each gender may take a different path though the result will very often be the same. Inciting an emotional reaction that somehow channels a positive response or a need for an individual can be a potent love potion for the recipient. In the end, jealousy and passion are emotions that can create a deep desire in the opposite sex directed towards you.

One question you might ask is how to draw out these emotions from another person with a positive response while not being obvious. If you can somehow channel these emotions while remaining inoffensive you can become a powerful lover or enhance your relationship. You need to find a way to direct these emotions toward you so that only you are the recipient of desire. This is one of the benefits of pheromones. Hopefully a pheromone wearer looking to meet someone will be the only person wearing pheromones to allow them to stand out from the crowd.

Most pheromones today are composed of either Alpha-Androstenol (female pheromone) and Alpha-Androstenone (male pheromone). Generally, manufacturers use one pheromone to attract the opposite sex. This simplistic approach of one pheromone is not the most powerful approach. It may help attract the opposite sex, but it lacks potency or the "it" factor.

The solution is to wear a high quality product that contains both male and female pheromones. Now, this idea may sound strange as most people would not want to attract both males and females, but that simply is not the case. Products containing the duo pheromones have a two prong approach to improve attraction to the wearer. In the case of a man wearing the male/female pheromone, he is actually emitting more male pheromones (other than his own) to attract the opposite sex. Females in his proximity will feel a strong unconscious attraction to him while at the same time sense that other females desire him (as a result of the female pheromones added to the product). Isn't it true that if we observe that others are interested in a particular person, then we suddenly find that same person more desirable? In essence the competitive emotions for this man increased the female's desire to be with him.

Our customers who used our duo products experienced overwhelming interest from the opposite sex. In females we have noticed faces becoming flush and other physical changes when they interacted with pheromones. Some females have experienced momentary loss of thought, causing their attention to be redirected at the pheromone wearer. Men reported that their wives suddenly showed more interest in love making when they put the pheromones on. Some couples even use the pheromones as a marital aid. Women have described situations in which men were suddenly swarming all around them.

The psychology of the pheromone wearer is also critical for success. The wearer's mental attitude should be relaxed, calm and confident. If they are not, bad body language will repel the opposite sex. Desperation does not equate with positive results and instead results in disaster. An overanxious disposition can overwhelm any effort to be meet someone new.

Fortunately the two-pheromone approach will build the confidence of the wearer. The old adage that behind every successful man is a woman or vice-versa has some validity. In many situations a man will gain more confidence about himself from female pheromones. Women are a perfect example. How many times were you surprised to find out that a shy woman turned out to be a tiger in bed? That woman's disposition was completely changed by the pheromones naturally produced by their male partner.

Many of these theories are based on observation while wearing the duo pheromone product and from the accounts of other people. However, women or men can duplicate the results with a little patience over a period of time. To obtain more positive results it is important to wear the correct male/female pheromones mix made with high quality pheromones. A high percentage success rate indicates that very often the results are irrefutable and very gratifying for the pheromone wearer. Mother Nature would approve.

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