Finding Out The Truth About Human Pheromones!

Guys, want to enhance your chances of having sex? Unless you've got Brad Pitt type looks and a bank balance to match, then attracting the opposite sex for most of us takes a little work.

Human pheromones are gaining popularity at an ever increasing rate but before you whip out the credit card and buy the first pheromone spray, perfume or oil you come across let me give you a few tips on what you should be looking for.

Do Human Pheromones Actually Exist?

The amazing thing about the whole human pheromone debate is nothing has been established to either kill or completely confirm their existance. Countless trials have been conducted since the early 1970's and it wasn't until Dr. Winifred Cutler started experimenting with pheromone-based additives in perfumes and sprays and reported interesting levels of success that people really started to take notice.

Since then, and particularly during the last decade, it has spawned a rash of companies marketing pheromone-based products as a sure-fire way of attracting the opposite sex and also same sex. But many still ask... do pheromones work!

Human Pheromones - The Practical vs. Theory

Will they get you laid? No, not on their own they won't! You see, going out and spending anything up to $100 on a pheromone product, slapping it on and heading for your local nightclub and expecting to score without doing a little work will leave you disappointed - most of the time.

You would be better off standing in the middle of the club with a placard that reads... "Hey Girls, Look! I'm wearing Human Pheromones. Don't All Rush Me At The Same Time!"

However, as a ground-breaker, then there is evidence to suggest you'll get noticed. So okay, you get noticed, then what? This is what I mean about needing to do a little work. As a conversation starter they're great. Now it's up to you to hone your conversational skills and do your thing. If you just stand there hoping her eyes turn red with mad passion and then jumps you there and then on the spot, you'd better settle in for a long night... on your own!

Buying Human Pheromone-Based Products

Remember, you can't smell pheromones. As an additive to a perfume or fragrance-based product it's the fragrance in the bottle which you can smell. Products come in all shapes and sizes including sprays, oils and in many cases, you can purchase concentrated pheromones to add to your favorite cologne.

Here's what you do when shopping for products. Stick with those companies who manufacture in-house. They've conducted and continue to conduct research on human pheromones and are serious about staying in business and developing a relationship with you. In many cases, there is a newsletter you can sign up for and remember to check if there is a contact number you can use for customer support when you need it.

Pheromone Confidence

There is a school of thought around at the moment that it's the confidence knowing you are wearing pheromones which is the attraction. I can't argue with that. Ask yourself, would you be more attracted to someone exuding confidence and personality over someone who isn't? Makes you think, doesn't it?

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