Pheromone Critique

Today many men and women purchase pheromones to enhance their ability to attract the opposite sex or to improve their relationships. The human body naturally produces its own pheromone chemicals through the armpit and the groin area. However, in this modern era, human pheromones become diminished through daily hygiene and the use of deodorants. This is the reason people purchase and use pheromones in the same way they use perfumes or colognes to enhance their own natural chemicals.

Worn on strategic areas on the skin, the pheromone sends out a chemical signal to trigger a response from the opposite sex. The magnetic pull of using these special chemicals can be measured over a period of time. More often an individual wearing pheromones will have that extra edge to attract the opposite sex. A recent documentary conducted tests with identical twins. The twin wearing pheromones had more interest from the opposite sex than the twin that did not wear any pheromones.

However, there are some important variables that must be considered. Not all pheromones are alike and not all produce the same results. There are also some myths that are being propagated by some manufacturers that may cause some consumers to experience disappointing results. Many pheromones are not as powerful as they should be or as the manufacturers would like you to believe.

Some manufacturers give you the impression that using their product is better because it contains more pheromones. The fact is, more is not always better and can sometimes produce undesirable results. Some manufacturers produce inferior products that need to be loaded up with pheromones in order to achieve any effect. Unfortunately, products loaded up with pheromones can often be detected by smell and can have an unpleasant odor, causing the product to act as a repellent rather than as an attractant! Ideally, the highest quality pheromones should be chosen so that less may be used to obtain positive results. In the end, the product should be stealthy or undetectable so that it performs as intended.

Manufacturers harvest both animal pheromones (usually pig or monkey pheromones) and human pheromones. The animal pheromones are not the most effective to attract the opposite sex, although they may give the wearer limited success. Harvested human pheromones may act as repellents because in many cases their unpleasant smell can be detected.

The ultimate pheromone product should be synthetically produced to mimic pheromones mother nature created to attract human beings. High quality synthetic pheromones will minimize the pitfalls of other types of manufactured pheromones.

It is highly advisable to follow the manufacturers instructions to get the best results. Some products are already premixed with a fragrance that you sparingly apply to your skin. Some pheromones are designed to be mixed into your favorite fragrance, albeit cologne or perfume. Consumers who follow the manufacturer recommended mixture ratio will get the best results. The consumers who subscribe to the theory that more is better and mix too much pheromone into their fragrance or apply too much will be disappointed with the results.

It is important to choose high quality pheromones that are not easily detected to attract the opposite sex. More importantly, when it comes to pheromones, more is not better and less can be very powerful!

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