The connection is in the perfume bottle. If the right fragrance is cleverly applied it can really flame the desire. There's even scientific evidence that fragrance and scents can be aphrodisiac.
According to Ph. D. in experimental psychology at Brown University, Rachel Herz, women are more attracted to the smell of a guy than how he looks. In a survey she asked 332 college students, half women and men, questions about what attracts them to the opposite sex. The result was clear and showed that women rates olfactory cues (smell) of potential mates as more important than visual cues (look).
In another study conducted at a University in Newcastle, thirty-two women rated men's faces in photos according to attractiveness. The experiment was repeated while the women were exposed to pheromones. With the pheromones in the air, the women rated the men as more attractive.
Cologne can increase the state of arousal on women. In a 1study conducted at Indiana University, twenty-eight women smelled to randomly selected male fragrance while fantasizing about a pleasurable erotic experience. The result showed that they became more sexually aroused than when exposed to a neutral odor.
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