About Pheromone

What does the fragrance of Phero-X perfume smell like?
The fragrances is designed to express the macho, attractive and modern style. Our Phero-X perfume is composed by the fragrances and human pheromones. The human pheromones are nearly odorless, and the added fragrances and pure essential oils produce an awesome sensual, luxurious and clean scent.

What is pheromone?
Pheromone is an odorless chemical signal that all human beings and animals produces and release into the air. And it affect the behavior of others within the same species. Pheromone makes a signal to the opposite sex that trigger a subconscious response of attraction and induce natural romantic cravings in both men and women. In nature, it is common to see that many animals attract their sexual mates primarily with the release and use of natural pheromones.

How do pheromones work?
Human behavior is infinitely more complicated than other animals or species. However, certain biological urges remain the same. All living beings have the need to procreate and therefore need to mate. The secretion of pheromones is nature's way of attracting the opposite sex to one another. Men and women have always known that sexual attraction was partially related to their sense of smell. And even though pheromones are odorless, they are perceived through the vomeronasal organ(VNO) in the back of the nose, which then sends this information to the brain, which in turn, controls our sexual responses. In essence, the secretion of pheromones is nature's way that someone is attracted to one another. Therefore, it is only logical that the more pheromones you secrete the more desirable you become.

How are pheromones detected?
Pheromone signals are detected through an organ inside the nose called the Vomeronasal Organ(VNO). When the VNO detects pheromones, it sends a sexual response signal to the brain. And so, it makes the feeling of attraction and romantic impression.

What are the benefits of using your Phero-X perfumes?
-. More attention and affection from the opposite sex.
-. You will be more attractive and sexy.
-. You can increase your self-confidence.
-. Better business and relationships.

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