Pheromone Build-up and Overdose

These are two most common problems of pheromone cologne users:

Pheromone Build-up

Some pheromones are absorbed into the skin and may stay there for a longer period of time. Usually, depending on the biochemical characteristics of your skin, pheromones remain on your skin for about five hours, and up to ten hours on your clothing. Pheromone build-up happens when the skin absorbs so much pheromone content from multiple pheromone applications over a period of time, that you notice a significant drop off in the effectiveness of a pheromone product. If you see no good reactions after you use pheromones or you see better reactions when you don't apply pheromones - you have this problem. To prevent this don't apply products directly to the skin - apply them to your clothing instead. Clothing applications can be more convenient and will last longer.

Pheromone Overdose

Pheromone overdose happens when you apply large doses of synthetic pheromones. If you notice people avoiding you, act intimidated by you or becoming aggressive towards you, you are probably using too much of the pheromone product. It is very easy to overdose, especially with unscented pheromone concentrates. These products contain no added fragrances to mask the pheromone smell which can be easily detected with the nose. Pheromone smell is often compared to body odor. Many people cannot smell pheromones, so the nose is not always a reliable guide when deciding how much is too much. Experiment with low doses of pheromones first, and try to stay within the limits described in the pheromone product guide.

You can learn more about pheromone perfumes at
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