Pheromones are special chemicals released by animals that help to communicate something to other animals. These chemicals were probably the very first form of communication between life forms on Earth. These messages can vary but often they influence mating, fertility, and child rearing. In humans, pheromones have been shown to affect women's menstrual cycle and perceived attractiveness of the opposite sex. Like hormones in our body that tell our cells and body what to do, pheromones are chemical messengers from other people that have an affect on us.
Everyone knows someone who is always lucky with the opposite sex. They never have any trouble meeting people and they are never socially awkward. They seem so confident, but one always wonders what it is about them that make them so popular. One theory is that it has to do with their body chemistry. Pheromones are continually being given off by these people that, when detected by others, makes them seem important, sexy, and respectable. Fortunately, for the rest of us who weren't blessed with this chemistry, pheromones can be synthesized in the lab and then applied topically in the form of an oil or cologne.
Instead of buying oils and colognes mixed with pheromones, you can buy the synthesized pheromone concentrate by itself. An example of a product you can buy in both concentrate and cologne form is Nexus Pheromone. Among its selling points, Nexus Pheromone claims to make you more sexually attractive, meet more beautiful women easily, grab attention and be approached by women more often, and make memorable impressions every time. This sounds pretty good, doesn't it?
The facts aren't easy to come by and the results always vary but for the most part, these products seem to work. At least that is what many happy consumers have reported.
Human Pheromones provides detailed information on Pheromones, Human Pheromones, Pheromone Oil, Pheromone Cologne and more. Human Pheromones is affiliated with Male Libido.
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