Human body naturally produces pheromones every day. Individuals who give off higher than average amounts of pheromones usually have greater success with attracting members of the opposite sex, while individuals who don't produce a high level of pheromones attract fewer potential mates. Pheromones are odorless chemicals and they are detected through an organ inside the nose called the vomeronasal organ or VNO. When this organ detects the pheromone, it sends a signal to the hypothalamus part of the brain, which controls human sexual responses.
Are all pheromone products the same?
Definitely not. They are all completely different - some products contain androstenol or androsterone, and others contain androstenone and copulins. Pheromone products are available in both unscented and scented versions. Every manufacturer has its own special pheromone mixes. You can find products that contain human pheromone in specialty stores.
Will pheromones work for me?
Almost all people have experienced positive results with pheromones. However, results vary from person to person. Some types of pheromone colognes simply don't work for everyone. For example, some people report that androstenol pheromone products work for them, while others say that absolutely nothing happens when they wear these kinds of pheromones. But if you select the right pheromone cologne or perfume, you can expect more conversations, more interest and other positive reactions. No, pheromones won't make members of the opposite sex to totally lose control of themselves, but pheromone products can and will make you become a lot more attractive and approachable.
Are human pheromone products safe?
Yes, pheromone colognes and perfumes are perfectly safe. Since pheromones are worn on the skin or clothing and you are not ingesting anything, there is no health risk involved at all.
Where to get more information about pheromones? You can learn more about human pheromone products at