How to Attract the Opposite Sex Using Pheromones

Have you ever seen a person, who in Hollywood's point of view, was not very good looking? In fact they was very average but they turned your head. Have you ever followed a person cause their was something that made you want to get to know them? Perhaps this person was using pheromones.

Every person puts out pheromones its just that the human body does not put out enough natural pheromones to make any difference. Science enters the picture and produced a synthesized pheromone.

Pheromone has no scent or odor. Manufacturers put pheromones in colognes and sprays.

The problem is there are different products out there and not all of them are effective. Some manufacturers use insect pheromones. These will not work for humans other than attracting mosquitoes. I don't think that is the kind of affect you want. Other pheromone makers use pig pheromone. Obviously unless your a pig this is not what your looking for.

You want to look for manufacturers who make synthesized human pheromones. These are the only ones that will work. Every animal gives off a certain scent when the female is ready for procreation.

Male cats can sense a female in heat up to 5 miles away. A male dog can smell a female in heat even a lot farther.

If you purchase a pheromone that has animal or insect pheromone you are wasting your money. Make sure you check out the product to make sure it has human pheromones in it.

There are optimized pheromones for both sexes. You will want to purchase the right one for your gender. You don't want to purchase pheromones for women if you are a man.

Prices can vary from $40 to $150 depending on potency and size of the bottle. You can purchase the pheromones that add to your favorite scent or have a scent already in them. Its not the scent that makes it work. Its the human pheromone thats in it.

There is another product that scientists have developed that enhances the natural pheromone in humans and releases it. Remember that humans cannot produce adequate human pheromone to make a big difference. This product enhances what is already there and releases it.

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